Criss Bahia - Criss Cross Art
Malerin | Tätowiererin | Zeichnerin

Art is one of the many forms to connect body and soul, to access deep levels of my consciousness, and to express my feelings beyond what words can tell. Art tells my stories and evolves with me as I flow through life.
Cris Bahia is a Brazilian who currently lives in Leipzig, Germany. Graduated in civil engineering with a passion for sustainability and alternative ways of building and living, she recently finished her master in Sustainable Development. She is also a freelance illustrator and handpoked tattoo artist. In addition, as a reiki master, she has been using these challenging times to explore spirituality, shamanism and the connection to Pachamama.
Criss Bahia im Podcast

Between worlds, 29,7 * 21,0 cm (original), Fine liner and watercolor in high quality printed paper (Kunstdruck), 2017

Onça-pintada, 30 * 40 cm (original) , Fine liner and acrylic in 435 g/m2 paper, 2021
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Live your light, love your shadow
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Long way home: 29,7 * 21,0 cm (original) Fine liner and watercolor in high quality printed paper (Kunstdruck), 2016
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To the end, 29,7 * 21,0 cm (original) Fine liner and watercolor in high quality printed paper (Kunstdruck), 2016
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Quem tem medo de fazer amor?, 29,7 * 21,0 cm (original), Fine liner and watercolor in high quality printed paper (Kunstdrucke), 2017
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Floating, 21 * 14,8 cm (original). Fine liner and watercolor in high quality printed paper, Jahr: 2016

Tranformar, 15 * 15 cm (original), Fine liner and watercolor in high quality printed paper (Kunstdrucke) , 2020
Crisscross Art - Deine Lieblingskünstler
1. Was ist Kunst für dich?
Art is one of the many forms to connect body and soul, to access deep levels of my consciousness, and to express my feelings beyond what words can tell. Art tells my stories and evolves with me as I flow through life.
2. Wie bist du zur Kunst gekommen? Liegt Kunst bei dir in der Familie?
Athough art is not something that lies in my family, it has always been a part of my life. As my mother always tells me, when I was a child, whenever she would give me a paper and pens/ pencils, I would immediately be absorbed into my own thoughts and world. So yes, I draw since I am a kid, and it always came from a place within me, and it always evolved with me based on what I was experiencing in life. For example, my art changed drastically after I felt in love for the first time, then again when I left my home in Brazil to travel. It evolves with me, constantly, and represents a deep part of who I am.
So, I never studied art, never did any courses or even workshops. New techniques would come to me through feelings, dreams, and when I am making art it feels as if I am in a meditative state where I am not guided by my head anymore. I guess art came to me.
3. Wie nennst du deinen Stil? Wie würdest du deinen Stil beschreiben?
Reason & emotion. I mostly mix fine liners with watercolor or acrylic paints, to create this mixture of styles that represent the two sides of me, one more geometric and rational, full of details, and the other with colors flowing almost as if without control, as an expression of letting go of emotions.
4. Welche Techniken und Medien sind dir die Liebsten?
I love fine liners combined with watercolor, and usually draw on paper.
5. An welchem Ort erschaffst du deine Kunstwerke – und welche Umgebung brauchst du dafür? Beschreibe bitte einmal den idealen Ort.
The most important thing to have, for me, is music. I really like to draw with high, techno music, as it takes me to a place in my mind where I just let go and draw in a very fluid way. I draw better at night, and having a quiet, kind of dark surrounding environment is really important. As art is a kind of spirituality for me, I usually light a candle, have some water and crystals with me while I draw. The ideal place to create would definitely be in nature, close to a fire and with a view to the stars.
6. Wie geht deine künstlerische Reise weiter?
It’s always a beautiful mystery to think how art will keep unfolding in my life. I want to keep using it not only as a way of connection to myself, but also to connect with others through my handpoked tattoos, and as a way of activism. All following its natural, organic flow.
7.Woher nimmst du die Inspiration für deine Kunst?
Many times from nature and music. Whenever I am surrounded by nature or listening to music, images come to my mind and it is easy to transform these into drawings. Meditation and reiki are also really powerful tools for inspiration.
8. Gibt es ein Erlebnis, das dich und deine Kunst besonders geprägt hat?
As cliché as this sounds, the first time I felt in love really shaped my art and helped me develop the style that I have today. As the feelings I was having were just too strong and they needed to be out somehow, I had an insight to get some watercolor paints and draw. Which I did. It was the first time I ever used watercolor, and it was really liberating.
9. Was brauchst du unbedingt, um kreativ tätig zu sein?
Music, nature, to feel connected to myself and to have deep feelings within me (which comes naturally when I am feeling connected to myself and my surroundings).
10.Brauchst oder suchst du den Austausch mit anderen Künstlern oder deinem Publikum?
Definitely! Having contact with other artists is always inspiring and this exchange is one of the most beautiful things for me, as well as with the clients and public. Receiving feedback, hearing how my art has touched people, this fills the heart with warmth. Also connecting to people through my tattoos has been a true gift. Most of the people I tattooed became close friends, and I really appreciate this.
11. Erinnere dich bitte mal an deine erste bewusste Begegnung mit der Kunst.
I am a Brazilian who currently lives in Leipzig. I Graduated in civil engineering and have a passion for sustainability and alternative ways of building and living, being on the way to finish a master in Sustainable Development. With this master, I learned how to be a creative engineer. With art, I keep living my life creatively and expressing myself.
As I was traveling in Europe and Southeastasia, I was selling art in the streets and it was a beautiful way to meet the places and people. I can say that art is a call from my heart to connect to myself and all living beings and I also use it to explore spirituality and shamanism..

Foto: Criss Bahia (CrissCrossArt)
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“Everything you can imagine is real”
Pablo Picasso