Katie Pickerell
Malerei, Zeichnung, Druckgrafiken uvm.

Kunst ist etwas, das mich erdet, es ist nicht immer einfach, den Weg eines Künstlers
zu wählen, aber es ist auch ein Privileg, wenn man dieses Gefühl in sich trägt und
die Entscheidung trifft, ihm zu folgen. Wann immer ich Zeit mit Malen verbringe, weiß
ich, dass es gut investierte Zeit ist und dass ich mich danach gut fühlen werde.
1993 Geb. Newcastle England
2012 – 2013 Foundation diploma in art and design, Newcastle College
2013 – 2016 BA Bildener Kunst , Goldsmiths University of London
2016 Pools and Ghouls 43 Lewisham way, London, Austellung
2016 Tales of Northumbria, 56 degrees north, Berwick Upon Tweed, Gruppenaustellung
2016 It’s strange inside, BND studios Newcastle Upon Tyne, Austellung
2016 Definitions of Space, Space 2, YMCA, Pilgrim street, Newcastle upon Tyne, Kunst
Residenz und Ausstellung
2017 Nach Leipzig umgezogen
2018-2020 freiberuflich als Kunstpädagogin tätig
2020 Atelier Bierbaum, Atelier Bierbaum, Leipzig, Einzelausstellung
2020 Angels and dirt, 19.10.2020, Kunstanker Leipzig, Einzelausstellung
2021, 09.10.2021 – 19.11.2021 Galerie Zwei Welten, Leipzig, Einzelaustellung
Werke von Katie Pickerell

the retro future, Acryl auf Leinwand, 45 x 45 cm, 2021

The painter, Acryl auf Leinwand, 80 x 100 cm, 2021

The Mistress, Acryl auf Leinwand, 90 x 90 cm, 2020

The everyday pressure, Acryl auf Leinwand, 90 x90 cm, 2019

Rainy Day, Acryl auf Leinwand, 50 x 60 cm, 2021

Party Politics, Acryl auf Leinwand, 45 x 45 cm, 2020

nymphos in the grass, Acryl auf Leinwand, 45 x 45cm, 2020

lasses on tour, Acryl auf Leinwand, 90 x 90, 2019

eremo di poggio conte, Acryl auf Leinwand, 50 x 60 cm, 2021

eremo di poggio conte, Acryl auf Leinwand, 50 x 60 cm, 2021

chillen und grillen, Acryl auf Leinwand, 60 x 60 cm, 2021

artist life, Acryl auf Leinwand, 60 x 60 cm, 2021
Impressionen bei der Arbeit
1. Was ist Kunst für dich?
Art is something that grounds me, it’s not always easy to choose the path of an artist but it is also a privilege if you have that feeling inside and you make the decision to follow that. Whenever I spend time painting I know that it is time well spent and that I will feel good after.
2. Wie bist du zur Kunst gekommen? Liegt Kunst bei dir in der Familie?
There was not really art in my family but definitely my mother is very creative in a lot of ways and I get that from her, there was always space and time to get creative and I just loved it from really early on, I was really shy as a child so it was kind of a refuge. I think I really started to paint when I was 15 or 16 years old and I would just stay up all night and paint in my bedroom.
3. Hast du ein Programm oder verfolgst du ein bestimmtes Ziel mit deiner Kunst?
For me it is related very much to healing and feeling grounded. I realised this is my relationship to the process which I only realised recently. I don’t want to say that I can or want to heal the world through my art because that is way too much responsibility but sometimes it is opening up important conversations or encouraging people to look at things in a different way.
4. Was machst du, wenn du Kunst und Design ruhen lässt?
I like to be with people and I like to be in nature and I write alot and do other things so actually it never really ends. Sometimes I am lucky enough to dream about painting which is great because my subconscious mind has just done the work for me. So yeah there is not really ever a break, sometimes I intentionally put myself on an art ban but then these are also the moments where golden nuggets of inspiration actually come, when you take a step back.
5. Wie beginnst du ein neues Kunstwerk?
Sometimes they just pop into my head, a title or a vague composition, then I draw it first then I paint it so I always know what the next steps are. When there are times that they don’t just pop up it either means I need to work differently, like with my hands or digitally, or that I just need to get away from the studio, then they come
6. Was brauchst du unbedingt, um kreativ tätig zu sein?
I need some structure around being creative, I would love sometimes to be creative all day long but if I don’t tend to other stuff in my life it doesn’t flow as freely as I would like, I speak in terms of self care and keeping my mind and space clear
7. Wann stand für dich fest, dass du Künstler werden willst?
I think during college I was studying biology, languages and maths and I had one art class and it was the thing I looked foward to the most. I was always interested in other academic subjects but I just knew deep down that I wanted to go to art school.
8. Tauschst du dich gern mit den Betrachtern deiner Werke aus?
Yes, I think the conversation about the work is so important and it is also why I make art, to start conversations. I know what it is about for me and sometimes I want to reveal the whole story and sometimes I don’t and that’s also ok. What Is most interesting is to see what other people’s interpretations which are equally as valid as what it means to me because it is how they experience it.

Katie Pickerell
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“Everything you can imagine is real”
Pablo Picasso
Die Leipziger Kunstszene wächst und wächst. Diese Vielfalt möchte die Plattform erfassen.
“Everything you can imagine is real”
Pablo Picasso